Donaldson criticises letter sent to Johnson by 52 MLAs


Political tensions North and South – and between the UK Government and EU seem set to increase following last nights publication of a bill to delete parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol, without consultation with the EU.

Three of the North’s Political parties – Sinn Fein, The SDLP and Alliance have written a joint letter to British Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejecting his plan for unilateral legislation on the protocol.

The letter was signed by 52 of the North’s 90 MLA’s.

However, DUP Leader Jeffrey Donaldson criticised the move………

The EU’s expected to resume legal proceedings over what it sees as previous UK breaches of the Brexit deal.

The European Commission’s also warning it’ll take “proportionate action” over yesterday’s decision to proceed with unilateral action to unpick parts of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

The Taoiseach’s accusing Westminster of breaking international law.

But Foreign secretary Liz Truss insists it’s necessary to get unionists back to Stormont………
