Podcast Tuesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show is broadcast, live Weekdays from 9am to 12noon- the podcast is below:

In the first hour we ask if the state should sue tobacco companies to fund the health costs associated with smoking, an expert tells us obesity should be treated in the context of the person’s overall health, and we discuss the deferral of the Residential Zoned Land Tax……  

In the second hour, we have our Community Garda Information Slot, and we discuss road safety in the vicinity of Errigal Mountain in the context of inappropriate parking and speeding………….

In the third hour, we hear of a conference for digital nomads taking place in West Donegal next week, Paul McLaughlin joins us for our weekly gardening slot, we speak to the writer and director of the musical ‘Brown Days’, and we look at the delays in implementing redress schemes for survivors of Mother and Baby Homes on both sides of the border……..   
