Podcast: Wednesday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon Show  is broadcast live weekdays 9am til 12noon! If you missed Wednesday’s live show, you can listen to the podcast bellow!

After a look at the papers we hear calls for Bus Eireann to improve its route availability, particularly to Galway. We also here that workers in community and voluntary sector organisations, funded by the Health Service Executive and other State agencies, are to take indefinite strike action from Tuesday 17 October:

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We have a special pensions Q and A and later  we continue our coverage of the gaps in the Donegal Disability Network Teams and what the HSE told one Councillor what they plan to do about it:

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We go live to Letterkenny to hear from childcare providers protesting as they call for the government to increase funding for the sector. There are calls for people with spinal injuries to automatically qualify for a medical card, Wellness Wednesday focusses on national compliments day this Friday and Ciaran is in with the business news:

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