Ours to Protect – Just Stop Oil – 07/11/2023

Highland Radio are delighted to partner with Coimisiún na Meán in launching a new series dealing with various topics on sustainability.

Donna-Marie Doherty of Highland Radio will have a weekly feature on Tuesdays at 12:30 covering a real mix of different topics and interviews with businesses and experts who have a common interest on expertise in sustainability.

Coimisiún na Meán stated; ‘”Ours to Protect”, is a unique and exciting audio project – a collaboration of local and regional broadcasters from across the country who have come together to tackle climate change, champion climate action, and inform and educate audiences all over Ireland about how they can make a difference.’

This week Donna-Marie talked to Amy Rose Friel O’Donnell from Just Stop Oil:

Tip Sheet: 

This week Highland Radio spoke to Just Stop Oil 

Who is Just Stop Oil?

  1. Just Stop Oil is a climate activism organisation calling for the UK government to stop licensing all new oil, gas and coal projects.
  2. They are the group that threw soup over Van Gogh’s Sunflowers and cake smashed a wax figure of King Charles III.
  3. Amy Rose Friel O’Donnell, who hails from Milford,  worked full time with the organisation as a mobilizer and took part in more headline protests in her spare time.

Getting involved in Climate Activism.

After talking to some TY students at Colaiste Ailigh in Letterkenny, some felt Just Stop Oil went too far and didn’t agree with their approach. 

Here are other ways to get involved:

  1. Sign online petitions & talk to politicians – do both on Friends of the Earth website https://www.friendsoftheearth.ie/act/getting-off-gas/ 
  2. Reach out to the 37 elected members of Donegal County Council to see local change https://www.donegalcoco.ie/yourcouncil/yourcouncillors/ 
  3. Learn more about Climate change – The Environmental Protection Agency have a series of lectures available to be viewed online here https://www.epa.ie/environment-and-you/climate-change/what-is-epa-doing/climate-lectures/#d.en.85129 
  4. Use social media to share ideas and information 


Learn more:

  1. Climate Activism in Ireland – https://spunout.ie/life/climate/climate-movement-ireland#:~:text=Local%20climate%20and%20environmental%20groups&text=If%20there%20are%20no%20groups,action%20in%20your%20local%20community
  2. Laws around Environmental Justice – https://communitylawandmediation.ie/centre-for-environmental-justice/ 

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