Podcast Thursday’s Nine Til Noon Show

The Nine Til Noon is broadcast live weekdays from 9am to 12noon. Here you can listen back to a Podcast of Thursday’s show:

In hour one, we are joined by a number of guests to react to the news that, from November, Donegal is to be split into two garda divisions:


We hear of a public information meeting taking place in Dungloe next Tuesday with those with defective concrete, or those that suspect they have defective concrete in their homes, invite. This week’s your voice, your community focuses on the work of the Autism Family Support Group:


Aontú Leader Peadar Tobin discusses Ireland signing up to the EU Migration Pact, Swedish listener András questions representative democracy, listener Paul questions the sense of being sent to Galway to have a toe amputated and Karina Molloy reacts to the Women of Honour tribunal getting underway:
