Speed Limit consultation to begin next week

Donegal County Council has confirmed its public consultation on new by-laws governing speed limits in the county will begin on this day week.

It’s proposed to reduce the limits on some roads from 80 to 60 kilometres an hour.

Over the course of the following 30 days, the draft by-laws and supporting documentation will be on display at County House in Lifford, the Public Services Centres in Carndonagh, Donegal Town, Dungloe, Letterkenny and Milford, and the Base Enterprise Centre in Stranorlar.

The documentation can also be viewed online.



Release in full –


Speed Limit Bye-Law Public Consultation to commence


Donegal County Council will commence a Speed Limit Public Consultation for the Draft Road Traffic (Special Speed Limits) (County Donegal) (Amendment) Bye-Laws 2024 from August 1st which coincides with Road Traffic Act 2024 and the phased lowering of default speed limits in Ireland.


  • Phase 1 – Reduction in Rural Local Road Speed Limit to 60km/h unless specified in the 2024 Bye-Law Amendment (Current Public Consultation)
  • Phase 2 – Reduction in Urban and National Road Speed Limits (Consultation to follow in 2025)

Submissions are invited from the public on the 2024 Bye-Law Amendment, the purpose of which is to provide for more appropriate speed limits on rural local roads. 2024 Bye-Law Amendment also includes certain national road locations and public roads within nominated housing estates.


Bryan Cannon, Director of Service, Roads and Transportation, Donegal County Council said: “This consultation process will help the public make themselves aware of the proposed changes in default speed limits which are to be implemented on a phased country wide basis over the next year.  It is important for all road users to understand the proposed speed limit changes for Donegal contained in this Bye-Law Amendment and to utilise this opportunity to make submissions and have their say.”


The Draft Speed Limit Bye Laws Amendment 2024 and supporting information will be available for inspection online at http://consult.donegal.ie and during normal office hours in the following Council Offices for a period of 30 days beginning August 1st 2024:

  • Carndonagh Public Services Centre, Main Road, Carndonagh
  • Donegal Public Services Centre, Drumlonagher, Donegal Town
  • Letterkenny Public Services Centre, Neil T Blaney Road, Letterkenny
  • Milford Public Services Centre, Milford
  • Road Section Office at The Base Enterprise Centre, Railway Road, Stranorlar
  • Reception, Donegal Co. Co., County House, Lifford
  • Dungloe Public Services Centre, Gweedore Road, Dungloe


Any person may also make a submission to the council during this 30-day period via the online portal or in writing to:


Road Traffic Special Speed Limits,

The County Secretariat Office,

Donegal County Council,

Lifford, Co. Donegal


The details of the review and more documentation are contained in the following documents

Speed Limit Review

Rural Local Roads Speed Limit Information Document

Special Limit Review – Rural Local Roads Maps



