Boil notice isssued for Glenties- Ardara

A Boil Water notice has been issued for customers served by the Glenties-Ardara supply.

Irish Water and Donegal County Council say they issued the notice following consultation with the HSE. The notice comes into effect immediately.

As a result of Storm Darragh, the BWN is being issued to protect the health of approximately 3,576 customers due to increased turbidity impacting the treatment process at the water treatment plant.

Drinking water experts from Uisce Éireann are working to rectify the turbidity issues at the treatment plant and lift the notice as quickly and as safely as possible, in consultation with the HSE.

In the meantime, all customers on this supply are advised to boil water before use until further notice.

Customers are reminded that the water is safe to consume once boiled.

You don’t have to boil water for personal hygiene.

Caution should be taken when bathing children to ensure that they do not swallow the bathing water.

Only use Prepared Water when preparing foods that will not be cooked.

Those affected can stay informed via and vulnerable customers who have registered their details with Uisce Éireann will be directly contacted.
